In the bustling Gachibowli IT hub of Hyderabad, amidst the towering office buildings and busy streets, lies a silent concern often overlooked – the lack of access to safe water for community animals. As part of Drive For A Cause Ride#6, we took it upon ourselves to address this issue head-on. Engaging with various […]
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Author: Social Ideator
Empowering Animal Welfare: A Successful ...
In a heartwarming collaboration between BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women and our charitable trust, a remarkable event unfolded during the college festival “MEDHANVESH 2K24,” spearheaded by the EEE department. It all began when Mr Guru Swamy, an esteemed EEE professor, discovered our trust’s endeavors in animal welfare through social media. Inspired by our […]
Drive for a Cause Ride#5: Making a Diffe...
On the vibrant morning of March 20th, 2024, the fifth Drive for a Cause took place in the bustling locality of Kondapur, Hyderabad. Spearheaded by Sahithi Annamraju, whose proposal ignited the initiative to raise awareness and provide water bowls for community animals in Kondapur, the event marked a significant step towards serving the needs of […]
Engaging The Community In Animal Welfare...
Our team convened for the 16th edition of the Sunday Soul Sante flea market as planned, arriving around 9 am. Upon entering the venue, we swiftly made our way to our stall. Each member busily engaged in decorating the stall, meticulously arranging hoardings adorned with messages, displaying artworks on a table, and positioning educational posters and […]