Credits: Lakshman Molleti / Ramya Trilochana / Maya Vishwakarma / Monica Vivek / Harish Edamadaka

Watch film here: English  (subscribe to our youtube channel ‘awbp india’ to get future notifications)


Every morning starts with a bright sunrise that brings joy to all the animals living together like the dog, cat, monkey and the parrot.  The sweet chirping of the parrots, monkeys swinging on the trees, the dogs and the cats running happily added beauty to nature. All these animals played and ran in joy as the grass tickled their feet.

On a dire day, a businessman came up with an idea to build residential housing Complex and entrusted the project to a builder. The builder chose this place for construction, where these animals lived happily. The builder showed the place to the businessman and the work started straight away.


A family, besides having an own house was planning to buy another one as they thought its a good investment. They visit the construction site and meet the businessman to make a deal. They felt happy about the fact that the work would get over in the next six months. The wife seemed worried about the animals living there and inquired to the businessman about how he was going to handle them. He answered that the animals would be kicked out after the construction was complete.

Once the construction was over, the animals became homeless and unhappy. They were just left with a bare tree on which the parrot and monkey lingered sadly. But even the bare tree was cut down as the residents were not willing to have any animals around. They felt these animals are dangerous to the people living there.

The man has become so exploitative to an extent that he is considered as an INVASIVE SPECIES with no respect to the natural habitat of the other creatures. With buildings ever encroaching into the natural spaces, it’s inevitable that people will encounter more wildlife in their backyards. This video is all about getting humans to learn to live in harmony with their surroundings. After all, we share the same world. Let’s build eco-friendly communities.

In the name of development, business, investment and so on – Humans transforming as “THE INVASIVE SPECIES” for other species by occupying their space and destroying their habitat. Humans not stopping with it but also abusing, exploiting and killing these innocent species who got every right to live on this planet.

We from the animal mark (click here) and awbp trust (click here) request all of you to love and support animals at your place. Respect their existence and rights.

Thanks to our partners who came forward to encourage this film.


MEDIA PARTNERS : Vegan FirstHSI India | Pyramid Movement Channel | SoSD Singpore

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