Humans are Always Dependent on Animals

Since the creation of this planet, we as human beings have been completely dependent on animals that serve our needs from the time of our birth till the end of our lives. As we are dependent on animals that are part of nature, the animals were worshipped in several cultures across the globe for their contribution to human growth. Although we are dependent on animals, the fact is animals are not dependent on humans for survival. Thus, we need to be grateful to the animals that served us and became an important part of our lives.

protect animals to protect humans artwork by awbp trust

protect animals to protect humans

How Animals Serve Human Needs?

Since animals were part of our lives, they served our human needs in numerous ways. 

In agriculture, animals were used for plowing, tilling the land, controlling mice populations, for pest control, and maintaining crop health. 

Dogs have been used for securing the houses, agricultural produce that was stored to prevent any theft. In crime investigation, trained sniffer dogs have been used for the detection of criminal evidence, identifying the location of bombs and explosives. 

During security emergencies and natural calamities, we relied on dogs to track, locate the humans under the rubble of collapsed buildings. People with disabilities, relied on dogs to guide them safely to move from one place to another, and in other ways that ensure human safety.

How the Plant Ecosystems are Dependent on Animals to Survive and Thrive

Animals in various forms are responsible for the plant-based ecosystem to survive and thrive in different environments.

Ants dig the soil to make tunnels, aerate the soil, and recycle the nutrients. This would create nutrient-rich soil that is vital for plant growth. Ants during their movement transport seeds to their nests that are full of nutrients where plants grow safely without being eaten by herbivores, help to clear rain forests. Termites decompose the plant-matter that helps to recycle the ecosystem. Hence, maintain ecological balance.

As bats are nocturnal, they consume millions of insects and pests that damage the crops of the farmers. Hence, they reduce the need for chemical fertilizers saving money for the farmers. They also act as pollinating agents for various plants that are beneficial for the ecosystem.

Birds play a major role in the ecosystem as they help in pollination, pest control, recycling nutrients, act as biological indicators of the ecosystem, seed transportation, and dispersal of seeds.

Honey bees pollinate large no plant species, without them the source of plant-based foods would be extinct as 30% of the world’s crops, 90% of wild plants, depend on these creatures. When an animal goes extinct, the ecosystem in which the animal has lived does change completely, for the worst-case also. 

How to Reduce Climate Crisis?

Humans are responsible for the climate crisis due to their dependence on animals for the consumption of dairy products and meat.

  1. Animal farming contributes to greenhouse gases in the form of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, therefore, elimination of animal foods is the optimal choice to reduce greenhouse gases and animal dependence.
  2. Animal dependency through animal agriculture contributes to air, and, and water pollution through the various waste products released from animal farms, hence if we stop animal food consumption this would lead to the reduction and elimination of various kinds of pollution.
  3. Animals eat much more than they produce, as they are resource-intensive, the benefit is that by choosing a plant-based diet, we will decrease food waste and conserve scarce natural resources. 
  4. An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that animal farms consume five times more food than the entire human population
  5. To feed animals in farms, forests are cut for the creation of pasture lands for producing the crop feed for animals, this lead deforestation, we can reduce deforestation if we stop dependence on animals
  6. Trees reduce the pollution by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing fresh air into the atmosphere if forests are cut for animal agriculture purpose, it would lead to pollution in the world due to absence of forests, hence if we choose to stop dependency on animals we can contribute to the green planet that is good for all beings
  7. Scientific evidence states that consumption of plant-based foods will lead to the improvement of human health and the reduction of greenhouse emissions. 
  8. United Nations declared that plant-based diets have positive and immediate benefit to the climate 
  9. UN states that we could feed more no of people through the cultivation of food-crops on land rather than growing fodder for animals
  10. Plant-based foods would lead to a decrease in poverty in the world as they help to better feed the world by providing abundant nutritious foods that are produced using less natural resources. 
  11. If we choose plant-based foods rather than dependence on animal products, it would lead to the production of a few crops that would conserve vast amounts of land, water, and energy.

World Without Animals

We cannot imagine how the world will be without animals since through the ages, humans, plants were dependent on animals for their needs and had a symbiotic relationship between them. Humanity grew from the partnership with the animals throughout history. They taught us to develop human qualities like kindness, unconditional love, responsibility for dependents, power of hunger, respect for life. Plants were dependent on them for pollination and other purposes wherever they existed. As we are all part of the ecosystem, hence if we don’t have animals, we would all die.

The world is dependent on animals

Humans and plants are dependent on animals for the fulfillment of their varied needs, however, animals are not dependent on humans. Research shows that the physical and mental health of humans is closely related to access to nature. Hence, without these, the human will become extinct. Humans need to take care of the animals at their places by being kind and providing food, shelter, medication round the clock throughout the year. This would preserve the bio-diversity and contribute to the sustainable growth of humans and nature.


Harish Edamadaka (Content Writer),  Ratnam Athota (Artist), Lakshman Molleti (Concept),  Eco Conz (Digital Support)

Note: All the content is derived from our personal experience as well as from sources who did detailed research on the topic. It is the reader’s responsibility to double-check the information before they make any decision.

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